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Representing the world, the planet and the cosmos is one of the greatest utopias in architecture. Ninety projects spread from Antiquity to the present day allow us to tell a double story: how architects, alongside geographers, astronomers, mathematicians and artists, participate in the discovery of the Earth and the sky, and in their representation. And how, in return, the shape of the globe haunts architecture, its humanists and its utopians, from Étienne-Louis Boullée, Claude Nicolas Ledoux or Alfons Mucha to George Lucas or Rem Koolhaas.
Richly illustrated with largely unpublished documentation, these atypical projects are accompanied by in-depth studies carried out by specialists from different disciplines, from anthropology to science fiction, aiming to show the architect as witness and actor in the discovery of the world.
Text in French only
Sous la direction de Yann Rocher. Préface de Guy Amsellem. Textes de Frédérique Aït-Touati, Ugo Bellagamba, Hervé Bérenger, Jean-Marc Besse, Charlotte Bigg, Jean-Louis Cohen, Charles Jencks, Joachim Krausse, Bruno Latour, Nicholas Roquet, Thomas Widermann.
YANN ROCHER (dir.) est diplômé de l’école d’architecture Paris-Malaquais, où il enseigne depuis 2005. Également diplômé du CNSMDP et de l’EHESS, il a travaillé à la conception de plus d’une vingtaine de théâtres et auditoriums. De 2011 à 2014, il a notamment assuré le commissariat de l’exposition « Théâtres en utopie ». Il est l’auteur de l’ouvrage du même nom.