- En savoir plus
- L'auteur
- 13 x 21 cm
- 496 pages
- ISBN: 978-2-9092-8352-4
- Text in French only
Beginning with "French Utopia: Essay on Heritage" (Mengès, 1992), Jean-Michel Leniaud has published a series of articles on heritage policy. This work brings together a selection, with an introduction which takes stock of developments over the last ten years. While “La Mauvaise Conscience patrimoniale” or “Le Droit à la mémoire” are recognized as an important stage of reflection, other articles present themselves more like chronicles on current issues. Preceded by a short text which situates them in the current context, they are grouped around major themes: culture, Europe, architecture and town planning, religious heritage, furniture, maritime, and more. To date, 40,000 buildings are protected under the title of Historical Monuments – a modest figure if we take into account the surface area of France and the architectural activity it has experienced throughout its history. “It is therefore urgent to protect heritage better and more extensively. […]. It is not only the future of heritage that is at stake, but that of our urban societies.”