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Jeanne Susplugas

Jeanne Susplugas

Regular price 35,00€ Sale

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  • "Aspirin is your morning champagne."

    Written in light-emitting diodes, this installation-slogan is one of the flagship works of Jeanne Susplugas, an artist regularly exhibited in contemporary art museums around the world (Palais de Tokyo, Maison rouge in Paris, Musée d'Art modern and contemporary in Saint-Étienne, Kunst-Werke in Berlin, Shanghai Biennale, Ulrich Museum of Art in Wichita, USA, Villa Medici in Rome…).

    A doctor of art history, Jeanne Susplugas has been developing work on confinement and addiction since the early 2000s. She highlights, through a multitude of media, the ills of our society which lead to alienation and confinement.

    Including videos and installations, but also performances, drawings and sculptures, her work draws its substance in particular from contemporary or ancient literature, from Lewis Carroll to Frédéric Beigbeder or Michel Houellebecq, a veritable reservoir from which she isolates sentences that she has transformed into works.

    Highly acclaimed, her work notably received the Opline prize for contemporary art (selected by the artist Orlan).

    In this first widely illustrated monograph, a long interview between the artist and Jackie Ruth-Meyer covers her entire career; Julie Crenn is interested in the relationship that the artist has with literature and words, Julie Bawin in the idea of the ​​house in the artist's visual work. Éric Corboresse and Mario Blaisse analyze the idea of ​​Pharmakon in the work of Jeanne Susplugas, while Nicole Büsing and Heiko Klaas return to the vision of medicine that the artist presents.

    Text in French only

    JULIE CRENN est docteur en histoire de l’art, spécialisée dans les pratiques textiles contemporaines. Critique d’art et commissaire d’exposition indépendante, elle mène par ailleurs des recherches sur l’art contemporain africain.

    JULIE BAWIN est docteur en histoire de l’art. Ses recherches sont axées sur le monde des collections et des collectionneurs, les relations entre artistes et institutions, le marché de l’art contemporain. Enseignante depuis 2010 à l’université de Liège et à l’université de Namur, elle est l’auteur de L’Artiste commissaire : entre posture critique, jeu créatif et valeur ajoutée, Éditions des Archives contemporaines, 2014.

    JACKIE RUTH-MEYER est directrice du centre d’art Le LAIT à Albi. Elle a notamment organisé l’exposition monographique de Jeanne Susplugas, « All the world’s a stage », 2013.

    ÉRIC CORBOBESSE et MARIO BLAISE sont psychiatres, spécialistes des addictions.

    NICOLE BÜSING & HEIKO KLAAS sont critiques d’art. 2016.